Light the Phoenix


I began my life coaching journey with a vague sense that I wanted to live a more deliberate, focused life, but I didn’t know how to accomplish that, or even how to fully articulate what I wanted. I had an immediate desire to feel less scattered and reactive in my daily life. I also had goals for where I wanted to be in a few years’ time, but I was unsure of how to accomplish them, or if they were even attainable. Probably the best result I had from the coaching was the validation that my goals are attainable, and the newly realized confidence that I can achieve them. I do feel less reactive in my life now, and more attuned and responsive. The coaching gave me definite steps and techniques I continue to use to build my confidence and keep my focus on my goals, while still being mindful of the good things I have in my life today. I believe that I will continue to realize the benefits of my coaching as I continue to practice the techniques I learned – it is a process that doesn’t end with the last coaching session. Just as in learning a sport, the coaching teaches you skills and technique, and helps provide motivation, but you can keep practicing and improving as much as you want.

I strongly recommend Light the Phoenix Deep Life Coaching to anyone who feels they are capable of achieving more in life, but are unsure of how to do it, or doubt their ability to realize their goals. It is possible to reach the goals you set for yourself, whether they concern your health, career, finances, or emotional life. It’s been one of the best investments I’ve made for myself, and I have no doubt it will continue to pay off. I’m so sure of its value that I plan on doing another course of coaching with Elijah next year.

- Roz Coates, Dallas, Texas, USA
Roz Coates


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