Light the Phoenix


Spring Has Sprung (in my neighborhood)

April 23, 2018

Spring Has Sprung (in my neighborhood)

I hope you are having a magical day.

Do this for yourself:
close your eyes, right now, and take one deep, full breath. Ahhhh,
that’s it. Arrive.

Lately I’ve been thinking about seasons, energy ebb and
flow, and the idea of hibernation.

Here in our Western culture, one of the things my patients
and clients seem most unwilling to do is rest. We don’t get trophies or work
accolades for resting, and our motivation is often that outward approval. But
if we look at the natural world, everything happens in cycles. Fruit doesn’t
stay on the trees year-round. And might we be asking too much of ourselves - demanding
that we go against our inner nature - if we expect to remain hyper-productive
all year round, without a break, a lull, a rest, or even a minor, conscious

This winter I put a moratorium on getting involved in new
things. I enjoy being active, but I got a clear sense that it was time for me
to “do” more “be-ing:” to rest, recharge, and honor the season of winter - the
season of dormancy. I did not crawl into a hole and sleep for 3 months as a
bear would, but I did do only what was in front of me: my coaching, clinical
and shamanic work, my musical performances. I cooked and walked my dog. I read.
I met a couple of friends for coffee. I put things off. I didn’t start any new
projects, sign up for any classes, offer – or even design - any workshops. At
times it was challenging not to just jump into something I felt excited about,
but I knew that that was where growth lay. Could I choose not to read the
thousandth click bait web article on 10 Ways to Stop Procrastination Forever? Could
I be exposed to near constant societal pressure to be productive, and not
buckle? Could I observe the brown grass, the bare trees, the overcast sky, and
think to myself, “It’s best just to put some things off?” And then take a
breath, honor my decision, stay centered in my commitment to self care? Yes, it
turns out I could, and I did.

Slowing down is a radical act. In this culture, in this day
in age, it is an act of resistance and rebellion.

This winter, I too encountered the fear that so many of my
patients and clients have shared with me: if I stop pushing, if I slow down, if
I allow myself to rest, I will be a failure. I’ll never accomplish anything
again. I’ll get too comfortable resting and I’ll become lazy. My motivation
will disappear. I’ll let everyone, including myself, down. But I knew this was
my brain playing tricks on me. The part of me that wanted to stay in the status
quo, to stay in hiding, was kicking and screaming. I sat with it and
experienced it. I did some grieving. I gave my heart space to shift. I released
some old emotional “slime,” and I accessed feelings. More than anything, I
rested. I hibernated. And lo and behold, come spring, as soon as the weather
started to warm, I hit the ground running. I was excited, charged up, and ready
for anything. I had allowed myself a period of dormancy, and my energy and
drive benefitted.

And so, this spring missive arrives. Hello!

My hibernation period was winter. Your natural dormancy
period may or may not coincide with the earth’s winter. Yours may be summer, or
spring. Start paying attention to your cycles. Look out the window, go outside.
Sense how you feel as each season arrives and progresses. And then consider -
just play with it - what it might be like to begin structuring your life and
activities in a way that honors and supports your own natural cycles.

Are you in touch with your seasonal rhythm? Not yet but
looking forward to the discovery? Comment below and let me know what you

If you feel cut off from the natural world, caught up in the
rat race, and you know that this isn’t serving you, yet you feel trapped, I can
help. As Lily Tomlin said, “The trouble with the rat race is that even if you
win, you’re still a rat.”

If you want a guide
who can help you uncover your inner truth and cut the amount of time it takes
you to make real change for yourself, give me a ring at 972-804-9113 or email me to schedule a
complimentary “Get to Know You” call so we can see if working together would be
a good fit. I look forward to hearing from you.

Category: Life Coaching, Personal Expression, Emotional Health, The Good Life

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