Light the Phoenix


Coaching with Elijah… Wow! What a beautiful journey it is turning out to be, and we’ve only had like 3 sessions already! It is truly an honour to be coached by Elijah – when we’re on a call, I kind of feel like I continuously siphon off her wisdom and powerful grounded energy, yet throughout she remains steadfast in her unwavering centredness and presence.

I’ve no idea how it works, but somehow she shows up as a strong anchor in our conversations: continuously holding space for my often wacky whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as they arise AND staying firmly within herself and in doing so providing a safe space for me to return to once I’ve expressed all that is wanting to be heard.

I love that she is able to hear, accept and even appreciate *everything* I share – things I feel ashamed about, things I would be embarrassed for anyone else to know – things that I would normally not even want to hear within my own head, let alone be heard by another – she welcomes it all, holds it all, loves it all – and for that I am truly grateful. She provides a wonderful space where I am welcome and accepted just as I am – no need to hide underneath the layers of myself, except for when I want to hide underneath the layers of myself, and she accepts that too!

I love that she calls ‘bullshit’ on me when I am not speaking from my truth, and I love the balanced and respectful way in which she does it! I also love the gentle nudge she offers when she sees I am ready to step into new truths, to create new realities for myself, to stop telling myself the same old limiting stories that hold me back from shining my light bright. I love that she supports me in figuring out what I want AND guides me towards finding ways to make it happen!

Man, this woman is incredible!!!

And on the topic of creating the life I want – it really is happening. No word of a lie. My life is shifting in miraculous ways. Old destructive patterns are falling by the wayside right in front of my eyes, and the best bit is that I can actually see it happening! It’s like during our sessions we weed the ground of my being, turn over the soil, and plant a seed – and then over the weeks that follow I get to witness it germinating and even start to blossom! The transformation I am experiencing right now through coaching with Elijah is magnificent!

Some of the juicy shifts I’ve experienced over the last two months: having uncovered some pretty dismal beliefs I was holding onto around my self-worth (or rather lack thereof), I have chosen to step into believing that I really do have value, that I have a lot to offer, that I am a blessing to others. How this looks in my life right now: I actually take care of myself! – I take my time in the morning to get ready for each day, to do whatever it is I need to do to feel good in my being and in my body – I treat myself with the respect I deserve – I stopped wearing dirty to clothes to go out in and not bothering to brush my teeth or shower or make my hair look a way that I enjoy looking at when I look in the mirror, and thinking ‘ah, it doesn’t matter!’, because it does matter – I matter! I am important and I deserve to treat myself as such!

I have also been connecting with some really beautiful women, women I’ve known for a long time but have never considered as ‘friends’. This is something that is entirely alien to me – I don’t usually ‘bother’ with women because the idea that I may have value beyond what I can offer through sex is one that has been grossly unfamiliar to me! It is so empowering and wonderful to realise that I do have value – that my love, support and presence in friendship can be a gift to another, without needing to offer my body in addition!

Also, having kept the shutters on the bedroom window firmly shut down for quite some time, wishing the nights would last forever so I didn’t have to live each day with my three precious children (who felt like dragons at the time) – I now consciously *choose* to open the shutters each night before I sleep, ready to welcome the day that I will arise to when I wake up. It is so simple yet so powerful to have found hope in the future – in a beautifully magnificently sparkly future where there is space for infinite love and abundance in all its forms! Not just for the lucky few, but also for *me*! For everyone! And for you too! So the question is: are you ready? Are you ready to claim your birthright, what’s inherently yours by virtue of having a heart that beats and a body that feels? Are you ready to say ‘you know what, this is not what I want – I’m done with the drudgery, the relentless knock-backs and seemingly never-ending rat-race towards success and never quite making it’? If so, I wholeheartedly encourage you to step forwards and accept the support in getting there that Elijah offers – she is truly a blessing to this world and divinity shines right through her – soak it up, breathe it in, enjoy it, spread it, love it! And pay her lots of money for it because it is so worth it!!!

- Dawn Osabwa, Wesel, Germany
Dawn Osabwa


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