Light the Phoenix


Spring Has Sprung (in my neighborhood)

April 23, 2018

I hope you are having a magical day.

Do this for yourself: close your eyes, right now, and take one deep, full breath. Ahhhh, that’s it. Arrive.

Lately I’ve been thinking about seasons, energy ebb and flow, and the idea of hibernation.

Here in our Western culture, one of the things my patients and clients seem most unwilling to do is rest. We don’t get trophies or work accolades for resting, and our motivation is often that outward approval. But if we look at the natural world, everything happens in...

Category: Life Coaching, Personal Expression, Emotional Health, The Good Life

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Welcome to my dream!

August 04, 2016

Adding a twist to an old Alice Cooper song, I invite you to my dream. I’m committed to living it!

I am in the process of peeling more and more layers off the onion that is myself, and right now I am at the layer that screams, “BE YOU!”

So I am focused on doing more things that I love but which make me a feel a little awkward or silly or exposed, (like writing this blog, or the things I’ve written elsewhere in the website) and push me just a...

Category: Risk Taking

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